Our Dad's Garage at Upper Foot

Peter Marshall revs up

My sisters, Pauline and Jean, and I lived at Upper Foot from 1928 to 1935. The photo (issue 6) of Luddendenfoot shows the wooden board on the gable end of the shops, advertising the garage run by our father, Jack Marshall.

The garage formed an appropriate base for father's enthusiasm for all things motorised, in particular motor bikes, and acted as the unofficial centre of the Calder Valley Motor Cycle Club.

Eddie Crossley was one of the club's live wires: on one occasion, when I was about four or five, he gave me a ride on his bike, straddling the petrol tank and hanging on for dear life! Eddie told me to watch the speedometer and call out when the needle reached 60 m.p.h. My eyes were watering and I really thought I was flying. Mother was not amused.

Ed: Peter and his wife, Hilary, now live on the borders of Lincolnshire and Rutland. They have three children, Helen, John and Paul, and six grandchildren. Pauline and Jean both live near Grantham.

Read the full story in Milltown Memories, issue 7. If this or other stories stirs a memory, we'd be happy to know - send us your memories and comments.

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